03.31.20 Country Wide Lockdown

What we had been fearing has happened, a country wide lockdown. We know this can be helpful in stopping the spread of COVID-19, but the restrictions that were put in place, with very little notice, are going to be hard and even dangerous for the children and families...

03.31.20 The effect of a lockdown on health

Most Ugandans are worried that they will suffer the scourge of common medical problems other than coronavirus. The pandemic has shifted the attention of the health care system from other diseases that have already been overwhelming our healthcare system for a long...

03.30.20 Perspective in business and livelihood

Coronavirus has been widely talked about. We believe there is nothing that has ever made headlines like this pandemic, thanks to the numerous media outlets all over the country and social media. As of today, Uganda has 33 confirmed cases of the virus, with no death....

03.29.20 Background Information

As of March 29, 2020, Uganda has registered 30 comfirmed cases of coronavirus.  The President, Mr. Museveni, announced a number of directives over the last week to minimize the spread of the infection. The ministry of health is largely seen to be leading the campaign...

Guest Post: The little things – Teona

Guest Post: The little things – Teona

Until this week, I never really recognized how special it is to take time for the little things. While on the plane ride to Uganda, I met an incredible man named Emmanuel who told me that as a follower of Christ, it’s not just about sharing the Gospel message but...

Guest Post: What it means to be a child of God – Nicole

Guest Post: What it means to be a child of God – Nicole

Fun fact about Ugandans: You never really know any of their ages. This is because it’s rude to ask, and a bunch of them don’t even know their own age.  Compare that to how we think about ages in America.  The activities we participate in, responsibilities we either...

Guest Post: The day I’ve been waiting for

Guest Post: The day I’ve been waiting for

Today was the day I have been waiting for for years and I didn’t even know it.  One of the major reasons I came on this trip was to meet my sponsor child. I knew I would be able to, but I didn’t know when. It was our first day in the village, we were greeted by a...

Guest Post: Day 1 for the Uganda Team

Guest Post: Day 1 for the Uganda Team

Getting in at 2 am and getting up at 7:30 am has all of us a little groggy.  By all accounts though this team is pushing through. We met up at Breakfast and got to meet our Brazilian team members for the first time.  Raquel and Rodrigo are awesome, what language...

Guest Post: The Journey Home

Guest Post: The Journey Home

Our team has arrived, and we're letting them take over our blog posts while they are here! Today John shared his "journey home". To say that I have been looking forward to getting back to Uganda would be an understatement.  I told the people of Musima on our last day...

Day 14 – 7 July 2018

Day 14 – 7 July 2018

Today was a day off, well sort of. Its something that we learned a couple of years ago, that we needed to take time off when we are here. When we first started coming we worked 7 days a week, because we always felt our time here is too short. But friends of ours here...

Are You ONE?

When ONE person decides to make a difference. When ONE person opens their eyes and heart to those in need. When ONE person stands strong against the tide of people telling them what they are doing is wrong. When ONE person gives their money...time...their gifts...their talents. When ONE meets another ONE and another and another the ONE becomes many, and the world changes!

Are you ONE?

Project Yesu - projectyesu.org

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