Until this week, I never really recognized how special it is to take time for the little things. While on the plane ride to Uganda, I met an incredible man named Emmanuel who told me that as a follower of Christ, it’s not just about sharing the Gospel message but living that out by literally walking alongside others. Kind of like when we’re told to not just be hearers of His Word, but doers. God also tells us that faith without actions is meaningless.  In Emmanuel’s case, that means giving over two thousand people prescription eyeglasses and sponsoring young adults who want to further their education by going to college. For Project YESU, this means feeding over five hundred children a meal that could potentially be their only meal of the day. It means not only starting a sponsorship program for kids in Musima village but getting to know all the kids at a personal level. For us, particularly this week, it means:

Taking time to eat a mango. 

Taking time to smell the flowers. 

Taking time to make a necklace.

Taking time to play.

Taking time to listen.

Taking time to hold hands.

Taking time to laugh.

Ultimately it means taking time to walk alongside God’s people, following in Jesus’ footsteps.

Project Yesu - projectyesu.org

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