I would like to introduce you to my friend Victoria. Victoria is an incredible sweet, caring and super smart young woman in our program. Victoria is an orphan and dreams of becoming a lawyer, which is huge for a girl in Uganda to dream of being a lawyer. Victoria has worked hard all through primary and secondary to make her dream come true, and has scored high on her senior exams to be able to attend university.

Victoria is an orphan, who is being raised by her Uncle Patrick who also cares for 23 other children. Patrick has done all he can to provide for the children in his care, but he can not afford to send them to university. The cost to go to school to be a lawyer is too high for most families to afford in Uganda.

The cost for her total tuition is about $6,000 in US dollars, this is for her full tuition for 3 years of university, it is not due all at once. Don’t you wish university here only cost $6,000?

We are hoping to find someone who would be willing to support Victoria, and pay her tuition. I pray that the person is maybe a lawyer who would be willing to mentor Victoria through letters to encourage her throughout her education.

Victoria has big dreams, and I know God has big plans for her..will you help her dreams come true? if you are interested in helping Victoria, please email me mallory@projectyesu.org

Click below to watch a video to hear from Victoria in her own words.


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