This is our last weekend in Uganda…so how am I spending it? With my boys and my brothers!

IMG_9691The team flies out today…but first we headed into town so they could do some shopping. So we hopped on some bodas and headed to Main Street Jinja.

We’ve been so busy this trip that I have not even had time to head into town…so my first stop was to Ozzie’s to see Mama Jude. Ozzie’s is a little cafe with the BEST cakes and bread, and Mama Jude is one of my favorite people. She is about 80 years old, from Australia, she is the toughest, feistiest woman I have ever met.

Pande and David met us in town with Calvin and Elvis. This is the first time I have taken my boys out of the village, and I was so excited to have this time with them. Once the team finished their shopping we headed back to the house. The boys were so excited, they were running around the compound playing.IMG_9698

Then it was time for the team to head to the airport…more tears, I am sad to see them go….we prayed for them, for safe travels, and for their hearts as they process all have experienced over the past week in Uganda.

IMG_9736After they left, we headed to the market…my boys needed new school shoes…the pairs they were both wearing were too small and their toes were busting out of the ends. They were SO happy to get new shoes, you would have thought they were made out of gold. I loved seeing them so happy.

Then we took them for a treat, the agriculture trade show that was in town…now that may sound boring but its like a giant expo and fair and people come from ALL over Uganda to the show. First thing we did was ride a camel…I mean we are in Africa…so yea ride a camel. Next up was to see the animals…lioness, peacock, leopard and of course a Ugandan crane…bird not the soccer team. We had rolex for lunch…and then we rode the giant swings. I thought the boys might be scared, but they loved it. It was so much fun to take them to the show.IMG_9706

We spent the evening cuddle up on the couch watch a movie…until both boys fell asleep.

Sunday morning we headed to church, I love our Ugandan church..Acacia Community Church with Pastor Terry…Terry is who we stay with when we are in Jinja, he is an amazing preacher. The boys loved and even went to Sunday school on their own.

After church my heart broke, it was time to meet our friend Kilya so he could take the boys back to Musima so they could go back to school. I wasn’t ready to let them go, but I treasured the time I had with them. Leaving them on the sidewalk with Kilya killed me, thankfully boda rides dry up tears pretty well.

IMG_9746We spent the rest of the afternoon having lunch with friends, then our friends Esther and Kilya met us at the pool at one of the hotels and we swam and hung out. Then came back to the house to watch movies until late, none of us wanting the night to end.

Monday morning we woke up with heavy hearts…our last day. I don’t even have words to describe how hard it is. Part of me wants to go back to the States and see everyone, but a HUGE part of my heart stays in Uganda…and every year I leave another piece.

We went into town to get some things to bring home like tea and the spices we use for beans…because when I’m missing UG so much, I want beans and rice to feel like I’m back.

IMG_9761No matter how hard we tried, the minutes passed and before we knew it Job was there to pick us up. Saying goodbye to Pande ripped my heart out, David got to ride to the airport with us since he lives that side, but Pande had to stay back. Job tries so hard to make my last hours fun, he thinks that will help me not be sad. He took me to a beach in Entebbe on the shores of Lake Victoria…right at sunset. It was so pretty, standing on the shore, watching the waves crash…I just stood there in awe of God, His power and all He has done in me and through me. Then we went to dinner…but try as we might…the time came to go to the airport. Both David and Job walked us as far as they could…and then one last hug before we had to go.

So now its up, up and away…and the countdown to next year begins!

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