Today was our last day in the Acholi Quarter at our feeding program, which is never my favorite day.

Mom and I have been doing a bible study every morning and is about finding the lovely in your day and as we were making our way to the Acholi Quarter I couldn’t help but see the lovely around me. Shopkeepers were busy preparing their shops for the day. Even though they are surrounded by dirt and mud the take the time to wash their front steps for their customers. The boda drivers were busy washing down their motorcycles and the taxi drivers were washing their cars. The street workers were sweeping the road with their straw brooms to prepare them for the day’s travelers. To me it was lovely, because even though they know their cars or bodas will be dirty after a few minutes of driving, or that the roads will be covered in dirt after a few strong breezes they take such pride in what they have and the jobs they do and they want to make it the best they can.

We arrived early and helped Agnes get things ready. I wasn’t there long before my favorite littles Phiona and Julie showed up, and Atim was not far behind them.

I stood there watching the community children line up some as young as two years old. I watched the big brothers or sisters carry their baby siblings or pack them on their back. I watched them struggle up the hill with two or three cups of porridge in their hands and a baby on their back, and as soon as their eyes met mine their smile would come and their sweet voice saying “thank you”.

We brought in our purchases from yesterday, and Agnes our cook was excited to see her new bucket and happy that we had more cups now. We washed them up and set them out and started filling them with porridge as soon as the community children were fed.

Again we had more children than porridge, not a problem I like to have, but our cooks do the best they can with the budget we have. The need is great, and we need to be doing more, and that is where I need you. Our budget for the feeding program is critically low. We started this program in June 2014 and over the past 3 years, we have served over 300,000 cups of porridge. This program is needed in this community and if we are to continue we need donations. No amount it too small (or too large) if you go to our website you can click on the donate button and we will designate these funds for the feeding program. The cost to feed the children is $500 a month…to feed 450 children! That’s a little more than $1 per child for a month! If you follow us on social media I am posting a video there today, please share the video with friends and family! Help us keep our feeding program going!

Ok..enough of that. All to quickly it came time for “see you laters” we never say “goodbye” because we will always be back! Lots of hugs and then off to the car..but when I looked out my window, there was a group of my kids waving bye…except for Joshua who turned his back because he didn’t want to say “see you later!”

Now we are back to our hostel and we are going to celebrate my brother David’s birthday today! He’s turning 26 so we’re going to swim, play UNO,  have dinner and maybe take him for a special treat!

So for now…Mweraba!

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