Today was our last day of the feeding program and last day in the Acholi Quarter until the team flies in next week. Our cooks Agnes and Doreen were so happy with all the new things we bought at the market yesterday. We all grabbed a pitcher and began helping fill the cups, and then we helped clean all the cups once everyone was done. 

After the kids took porridge, we handed out dresses to the sweet little girls in the Quarter. These dresses are sewn by ladies across the US and sent to us for our girls. They were so happy to have new dresses, you could tell they felt like princesses. One of the little ones smiled and said “wow!”, while doing a twirl.

After handing out dresses, we headed to a meeting with Dove Chess Academy. This program goes into schools and villages and teaches children how to play chess. They host tournaments for clubs from around Uganda, and they also have the opportunity to travel outside of Uganda to compete if they get good enough. Chess is not only is a fun game, but it teaches them strategic thinking. I always want to give my kids any opportunity to learn something new, and this may turn into something bigger than they could have imagined. I’m so excited to have the opportunity to partner with them. I could tell that the people we met with had a real heart for the kids they helped. 

Our driver, Moses, wanted to take us on an adventure after the meeting. He was showing us and telling us about this mosque that is the second largest mosque in all of Africa. The “selling point” was the amazing view that could only be reached by climbing 300 stairs to the top of the tower. The mosque was absolutely beautiful on the inside with gorgeous details from around the world. Although the view on the inside was beautiful, the view from the top of the mosque was even more spectacular. We had a 360 view of Kampala from the top. 

Now that our adventures are over, it’s time to have dinner with our dear friend since the first year we came, Diana. 

Sula bulungi!

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