I woke up this morning craving my 2nd favorite breakfast here at the Red Chili…lemon pancakes! It doesn’t get much better than that! After some time with God doing our bible study we headed over to the kitchen for breakfast then it was time to head back to the Acholi Quarter for another day at our feeding program.

We are fortunate to have a partnership with Project Have Hope in the Acholi Quarter, they were one of the first organizations I contacted when I first started Project Yesu 6 years ago. PHH helps the women of the Acholi Quarter and they are gracious and let us use two of their buildings for our feeding program.

My kids were all there, ready and waiting for me when we pulled up with cups in hand ready for the breakfast. I saw one of my girls Angel standing quiet and sad, which she never is, she was paining (hurting) from a bad tooth. Just another thing we take for granted, easy access to dental care.

We got the cups lined up ready to be filled for the school children and I walked down to the little building where our cooks were busy preparing the porridge. I looked out at the long line of children all waiting for a cup of porridge. Bigs and littles, bigs with littles on their backs and babies. Some holding one cup, some holding several cups for their siblings.

That is something I will never get tired of seeing, watching the older kids take care of their little sisters or brothers. And when I say older kids, I mean maybe 8 or 9 carrying babies or taking care of their 2 or 3-year-old siblings. They always feed the littles first, always taking care of them before themselves.

Friday our photographer, and his friend David came they are shooting some footage and doing interviews with our staff and some of the kids for a documentary they are doing on PY and our work in Uganda, I can’t wait to see it.

After the community children were fed, it was time to move up the hill to the PHH community building where the school children would be coming soon.

By this time some of my sweet littles had found me, Fiona and Atim with smiles as big as they are. We blew bubbles and played while we waited for the rest of the kids. 10:30 sharp you can hear them running up the hill to have their breakfast.

Once everyone was fed, and the cups and mess were cleaned up it was time to bring out the dresses and shorts/shirts we brought for the boys and girls. Over 200 dresses and 200 shorts were given out today! I love seeing the kids smile with pride when they try on their new outfit and I can’t help but smile because I know tomorrow when I come they will all be proudly wearing them.

Its a little crazy handing out all the clothes, mamas line up excited to get new clothes for their child. Some of the kids are wearing their dresses they were given last year, that are now worn and tattered. For some, this is the only outfit they will have.

After the dust settled from that, we sat down with some of my favorite ladies in the Quarter for lunch. The conversations that we have are incredible as we share about each other’s cultures, the differences, and traditions. I love each and every one of these ladies, for their strength, their amazing perseverance, and their dignity despite all they have faced.

Then it was time to head back to the hostel….and for the UNO games to begin my big brother David is coming to visit so I know the night will be filled with lots of laughter and a little bit of fighting over who is cheating who in UNO!

So for now…Mweraba!

Project Yesu - projectyesu.org

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