

Balaza Mathias Birthday – (12 years old) Mathias is 12 years old and wants to be a doctor when he grows up. He likes to play football, and likes to fetch water. Sponsored through Amazima...


Kyolaba Betty Birthday – (15 years old) Betty is a beautiful 15 year old girl who wants to be a doctor when she grows up. Her favorite subject in school is English, and she likes to help wash dishes. Betty loves to sing gospel songs. Sponsored through Amazima...


Mawerere Ivan Birthday – (12 years old) Ivan is 12 years old, and wants to be a pilot when he grows up. His favorite subject in school is Science, and he likes to help around the house. Sponsored through Amazima...


Muwanguzi Emmanuel Birthday  – (4 years old) Emmanuel is 4 years old, and when he grows up he wants to be a doctor. He likes to help washing clothes and plates at home, and he likes football and riding a bicycle. Sponsored through Amazima...
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