Jigger removal station

Jigger removal station

Today we spent the day in the field with Sole Hope. Dru and Asher run an amazing program removing jiggers. If you don’t know what jiggers are, first of all DON’T Google it, trust me. Jiggers are a type of sand flea that burrow into your skin and they lay eggs, and reproduce under your skin. A bad infestation can eat away at your hands, feet or other parts of the body. See…told you that you wouldn’t want to Google it. So, their work is super important and much needed.

We met at the outreach house and loaded up in the van with Dru and headed out to the village. We didn’t realize it at the time, but when we pulled into the village we realized it was the same place we went with Sole Hope last summer, the village of Kakira.

Foot washing station

Foot washing station

The Sole Hope team rock and as soon as we arrived they set up all the stations, and got ready to serve. Some people played with the kids to get them ready until everything was ready to go.

This sweet muzeyi had so many jiggers they couldn't count them

This sweet muzeyi had so many jiggers they couldn’t count them

The kids check in, receive a note sheet, then get their feet washed, then they get their feet checked and if they have any jiggers they are removed and treated, then they get a new pair of shoes and some education on how to stay jigger free.

I loved getting to help and learn from this amazing ministry thankful that Dru and Asher let me come.

The note sheet each person receives when they arrive

The note sheet each person receives when they arrive

We prayed over every pair of feet we washed

We prayed over every pair of feet we washed

Project Yesu - projectyesu.org

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